Feature Ideas

  1. What will happen with the data after ...?

    If we didn't renew the license in time or terminate the license. What will happen with the email and records? contents uploadedemailadmin accountdomainrecords of IT trainingrecords of Phishing test Is data will be completely loss ASAP? or have due date before Right-hand wipe data

    Sunchai T
    #Misc 🤷#EQA


  2. Automate report generation

    Create an option for admins to define their preferred intervals and automate reports delivery in their inboxes.

    #New Feature 🔥


  3. Add QR Code Phishing scenario

    It is quite common now in Asia region where we receive emails with QR code to redirect users to phishing sites. Some users assume that QR code are safe and it would be a good scenario to test and educate business users on the danger of QR codes.

    Ethan C


  4. Option to View Admin Changes (Audit Logs)

    For this feature our primary focus as of now is to cover the security events such as: login events role change events employee detail events settings changes and more Having this option, we can track or audit changes made to ally/training/phishing content, settings, etc.

    Noveth De V
    #Improvement 👍


  5. Include user groups in the training report

    Add the user group as another column. In this way, we can easily do completion percentage per user group.

    Roma therese P
    #Improvement 👍


  6. Smishing Campaigns

    Add an ability for admins to send smashing campaigns.

    #New Feature 🔥#Phishing Readiness


  7. Dark Mode

    It's 2024. We should have Dark Mode.

    Nathan C


  8. Add excel attachment type in the phishing campaigns.

    Add an ability to attach excel files in the phishing campaigns.

    #Improvement 👍#Phishing Readiness


  9. Option to Generate Detailed Training Reports Per Employee Per Department

    Currently, we can only generate detailed reports per employee or per training module. For example, if I want to extract all the trainings taken by an employee, including completion details, passing rate, etc., I can do that on a per employee basis. If I want to generate reports per training to show the employees training details for that training, I can generate that on a per report basis. But currently there is no option to generate all the detailed training details per user per department.

    Noveth De V
    #Improvement 👍#New Feature 🔥#Reports


  10. Poster: Ability to upload Custom Posters

    Ability to upload customer poster and dynamically distribute by group, department, employee search etc. Current posters are built in RH posters and can only distribute to all or by tedious next next employee search.

    Algen N
    #Training Readiness


  11. Create an Ally Report Per Department or User Group

    Ability to generate an Ally report per Department or User Group will enable Awareness Teams to send reports specific to Departments or User Groups for better visibility.

    Noveth De V
    #Improvement 👍#New Feature 🔥#Ally


  12. Ally Game: Phishing Master

    The phishing master game will help your learners to learn how they can identify phishing attacks in their emails by playing a game where they will be asked to design a missing component of a phishing email.

    #New Feature 🔥#Ally


  13. Option to Select Multiple Items in Company Management

    Currently there is no option to select multiple items in Company Management such as in Departments, User Groups, and Office Locations. If there is, deletion of entries will be easier and faster.

    Noveth De V
    #Improvement 👍#New Feature 🔥


  14. Ability for Customers to Add Domains and Categories in Ally and Trainings

    This will help customers with custom contents to proper segregate trainings and quests.

    Algen N
    #Improvement 👍#Training Readiness#Ally


  15. Attachments in Phisharm Reports

    The reported emails do not contain information about email attachments. It will be great to see a list of all attachments in the reported email.

    #Improvement 👍#Phisharm
